This summer has been busy, like usual, but we have a lot to thank God for! Here are some of our highlights:
In early summer, Rachel sold 3 of her LaMancha goats. In August, a couple of her kids went to the State Fair, where they received 10th place and a “last in line” card for her!

All through the season, we have been rotationally grazing our pastures and cover crops. We’re hoping to be able to graze a winter mix this fall, and into the spring, which will reduce the amount of hay we’ll feed.
The calves are getting big. We plan to wean them in February. Meanwhile, we are all pitching in to help build a new cattle handling system, utilizing a “Bud Box” design.
The pigs are growing, but they’re only 130#, so they’re going to need to grow some more! We’re planning to breed our Berkshire sow soon.